In some cases, cerebral palsy in infants is very difficult to detect. Increasingly, however, better medical technology is making it easier to determine whether or not an infant suffered this brain injury during the birthing process, or before, and that is welcome news for parents...

A cerebral palsy birth injury lawyer represents those whose children were harmed by medical negligence. This is not the only reason that a child sometimes ends up with the brain injury that causes cerebral palsy. There are natural causes that can lead to the same...

A cerebral palsy lawyer is one who has experience and expertise in handling birth injury cases. While infants do sometimes suffer injuries through natural causes, there are instances where medical negligence of one sort or another is the clear and obvious cause of those injuries. In...

Detecting cerebral palsy in infants is difficult. In fact, the problem may go undetected for a very long time. While there are significant events during infancy that represent typical milestones of development, not all children develop at the same rate and this can make it...

Birth injury lawsuits have much in common with other types of malpractice suits. The crux of the issue is that the doctor or hospital failed in their duty to provide for the well-being of their patient, in some regard. In the case of these suits,...

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