Children who suffer from cerebral palsy will encounter many significant hurdles throughout their lives. Challenges for kids with CP generally involve difficulty performing basic functions such as speaking, moving and eating. This is mainly because of the substantial damage that is often caused to...

Umbilical cord clamping varies widely internationally – for instance, 17 percent of babies in Denmark versus 90 percent of babies in France undergo cord clamping. However, according to Science Daily, “clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord should be delayed for three minutes after...

Although cerebral palsy is an unfortunate disease, luckily for cerebral palsy patients, science is constantly developing new treatments that can help people with this affliction. One of the newest treatments available is stem cell therapy. Just what are stem cells? Stem cells are undifferentiated cells...

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke defines brachioplexus as damage to the network of nerves that conduct signals from a person’s spine, arms, hand and shoulder area. This group of nerves is called the brachial plexus. The Institute further explains that these...

Preeclampsia is a potentially serious issue occurring during pregnancy, which can lead to serious birth injuries including cerebral palsy.According to, preeclampsia is a pregnancy disorder characterized by a combination of high blood pressure and excess protein in one’s urine, often occurring at around...

Caput Succedaneum is amongst the most commonly ignored birth injuries. Often called Caput, it is essentially hemorrhaging of the scalp among newborns, usually found in headfirst delivery (i.e. vertex birth). You should be particularly aware of Caput Succedaneum since it is often wrongly described as...

Cerebral palsy refers to a group of nine different nervous disorders that affects motor control in an individual. Cerebral Palsy, itself, is caused by damage to the brain. One of the types of cerebral palsy is called spastic diplegia. This type of cerebral palsy was the...

According to, when complications arise and baby needs to be removed from the mother quickly, one technique utilized is vacuum-assisted birth, whereby the doctor or midwife attaches a flexible, rounded cup to the baby's head while in the birth canal. The cup connects...

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