Author: Jeff Rasansky

  Injuries Caused by Defective Construction Equipment Construction workers from Our site in Texas put their trust in the equipment they use on sites to work properly so that they can complete their work in a hassle-free, injury-free manner. Discover More about the equipment's safety, and then...

Crane accidents are serious incidents usually occurring in or near constructions sites. The majority of crane accidents occur as the result of a succession of unfortunate events, so filing an accurate claim against the correct parties can be a complex task. Causes and Prevention There are many...

Grease guns are special tools used in certain industries to deliver grease to moving parts. They typically have a disposable grease cartridge; however, it’s not uncommon for these devices to be filled manually as well. Grease guns may be operated manually or electrically, and may...

Texas roofers and most commercial roofing contractors Mobile AL  spend hundreds, if not thousands of hours standing on ladders or roofs repairing or replacing roofs, shingles, balconies, guardrails and air conditioning equipment. Every year, more than 150,000 individuals are injured as a result of roofing...

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