Study: Incontinence Medicine and Memory Problems

Study: Incontinence Medicine and Memory Problems

A study that looked at medication use and the cognitive test scores of 870 elderly individuals at the Rush University Medical Center found that commonly used incontinence drugs may lead to memory problems in some older people. According to the Associated Press Story, those who took the drugs experienced cognitive decline at a 50 percent rate than those who didn’t over the course of the eight-year study that took into account other risk factors for memory loss.

According to the National Institute on Aging, bladder control problems affect about one in 10 people age 65 and older, and more women than men. After the results of this study were released yesterday at an American Academy of Neurology meeting, study leader and neurologist Jack Tsao suggested non-drug treatments like scheduled bathroom breaks, biofeedback and exercise, and was quoted as saying, “it may be better to use diapers and be able to think clearly than the other way around.”

Always talk to your doctor about possible immediate and long-term side effects of prescription and over-the-counter drugs – especially those for incontinence. Tsao even suggests that doctors do cognitive testing on patients before prescribing such medication. If you have ever suffered serious adverse effects after taking a prescription or over-the-counter medication, contact a drug liability attorney to see if you might have grounds for legal action.

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