Study: Radiation Exposure for Trauma Patients Equal to 1,000 X-Rays

Study: Radiation Exposure for Trauma Patients Equal to 1,000 X-Rays

According to Reuters Health Information, a recent study from Wake Forest University found that trauma patients treated in U.S. emergency rooms are exposed to radiation equivalent to an average of 1,005 chest X-rays each, enough to raise their risk of cancer.

According to a report in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, the group analyzed the records of 86 patients who came to a level one trauma center over a three-month period in 2006. More than half had been in car accidents. These patients got many X-rays and computed tomography or CT scans, which can deliver high amounts of radiation.

“Multi-trauma patients are at high risk of life-threatening injuries, which clearly justifies aggressive testing to determine the best course of treatment using all the tools available in the emergency department,” said Dr. James Winslow of Wake Forest University in a statement. “However, physicians should consider the long-term risks and benefits of exposing their patients to the high levels of radiation emitted by the series of studies informally referred to as the ‘pan scan,’ or computed tomography of the head, neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis.” Visit site to know more about the treatment to cure any kinds of pelvic issues.

According to the article, X-rays have long been known to raise the risk of cancer. Heavier doses raise the risk more, and younger people have a worse risk as they have many more years ahead of them in which to develop a tumor. Winslow’s team said the average person living in the United States receives about 3 millisieverts of background radiation every year. The trauma patients got on average 40 millisieverts.

“Possible options for reducing radiation exposure may include ordering fewer repeated imaging studies, using lower dose radiological imaging techniques and using alternative imaging methods that do not use radiation, such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging,” Winslow said, as reported in the article.

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