The story of cerebral palsy begins with an English orthopedic surgeon by the name of William Little who published the first medical descriptions of a neurological disorder affecting children in the early stages of life in the 1860s. These documents report a disorder characterized by stiff and spastic muscles in the arms and legs causing involuntary movements, trouble in grasping and holding objects, and trouble with walking normally. Children with this little known disorder ultimately did not show signs of improvement with age. This specific disorder became known as Little’s Disease and is now known as Spastic Diplegia.
Little reasoned that in most instances, children with cerebral palsy were born following complicated deliveries that often resulted in a lack of oxygen to the baby’s brain. This shortage of oxygen damaged sensitive brain tissues directly responsible for the controlling movement of muscles throughout the body. Scientists and researchers confirmed these observations in the 1980s with a government-backed study of more than 35,000 births across the United States. The future of cerebral palsy is in continued research. Biomedical research has led to significant changes in understanding, diagnosing, and treating children with cerebral palsy. The early detection and identification of traits associated with cerebral palsy gives a child the best opportunity for developing to their full potential. Diagnostic techniques have significantly improved over the years – advanced brain imaging, gait analysis, and genetic testing provide not only fulfill a diagnostic purpose but treatment plans as well. Medications, surgery, and braces can often improve muscle coordination and help treat the associated medical problems associated with cerebral palsy. Though researchers continue to make great strides toward preventing and treating cerebral palsy, what are childrens and families to do now? Regardless of how cerebral palsy developed in your child, learning more about legal rights, options, and responsibilities is key to ongoing treatment for your child.
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The Texas personal injury attorneys at Rasansky Law Firm represent clients throughout Texas, including Arlington, Austin, Corpus Christi, Dallas, El Paso, Fort Worth, Garland, Houston, Kauffman, Lubbock, San Antonio and Tyler. Our personal injury lawyers handle a various types of personal injury claims, including automobile accidents, medical malpractice, birth injuries, nursing home abuse, product liability, defective products, premises liability, day care abuse, maritime injuries, workplace injuries, overtime pay, social security disability benefits and securities fraud.
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