25 Mar Plant, Factory, Warehouse and Refinery Accidents
Accidents which occur at plants, refineries, warehouses and factories can lead to a variety of injuries. The victims of those injuries may be able to collect compensation for their losses through a personal injury lawsuit. Injured in Delray Beach, FL? The personal injury lawyers from Kogan & DiSalvo law firm can help.
The compensation which an injured party may seek can include the following types of damages:
- Medical treatment & expenses.
- Loss of wages & future income.
- Pain and suffering.
- Any other types of financial losses directly related to the accident.
The injured worker might seek help from solicitors Manchester to pursue compensation for his or her injuries from both the employer and third parties that might be responsible, such as the manufacturer of any industrial equipment or power tools, etc.
Unsafe Working Conditions
Refineries, on site oil reclamation service facilities, brewery boilers factories, and plants play important roles in energy production as well as being one of the main sources of jobs in Texas. Unfortunately, these facilities do not always exercise safe operating practices which can lead to serious accidents. There are injuries caused after boat accident that need legal aid as well.
There is an extremely high concentration of chemical plants and refineries located along the Gulf Coast of Texas. This increased prevalence also unfortunately comes with an increased number of personal injury and wrongful death accidents. The lawyers could be determining fault after a slip and fall and try to help you as much as they can.
One of the deadliest and most dangerous events related to factories, refineries and plants are explosions. These types of accidents often cause a great deal of damage and can lead to multiple casualties.
Cause and Liability
After an accident occurs at a chemical plant or refinery, it can be quite difficult to make a determination about liability before an investigation has been completed. The most common causes of explosions at refineries and chemical plants include the following:
- Improper or non-existent maintenance
- Faulty or unsafe design
- Lack of training
- Industry code violations
- Products that are defective
Another major problem lies in the fact that many of the oil, gas, and chemical plants that are located in the Gulf Coast region are extremely old and have not been had recent or appropriate improvements in order to ensure they are as safe as possible.
Another problem is that many refineries and other plants hire subcontractors to work at the facilities, and oftentimes these workers lack both training and experience. These problems leave the owners of the facility as well as the service providers open to potential lawsuits when accidents do occur.
If you have been injured in a plant, refinery, or factory accident, you can contact experts such as work site accident attorney to get help with claims.
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