19 Nov Walmart Slip & Fall Accidents
Were you hurt in a Walmart trip and fall accident? Are they not taking your claim seriously? Have they outright denied your claim?
Within the last few decades Walmart has been one of the top grocery store competitors and is still increasing in customers every day. Walmart is a family owned business controlled by the Walton family and brings much value to the world. In fact, Walmart is now the largest grocery retailer in the United States.
Due to Wal-Mart’s popularity, they serve a great deal of customers on a daily basis. And because they invite the public into their stores for their (and the customer’s) benefit, they owe a certain duty of care to keep their customers reasonably free from harm. If you or somebody you know has been injured in a Walmart slip and fall, or another type of premises-related accident, you're probably already getting the runaround from Walmart's claims department. You have what is called a "premises liability" claim. You must understand (if you haven't found out already) that they won't take your claim seriously if you're not represented by an attorney. It may sound heartless, but like any business, they will do a lot in order to save the company money – and frankly, they know that can get away with it when someone’s not represented.
Do I Have a Case?
Customers are classified as "invitees" and are thus owed the following duty of care: Walmart has the duty to inspect the premises and erect safeguards, if necessary, to render the premises reasonably safe. Walmart is also liable for defects that would ordinarily be discoverable by a reasonable inspection, and they have the duty to give a proper warning of these defects. But they may not be liable for "unknown" defects – it really depends on the details & circumstance.
Every case is different, and you need to act fast in order to preserve the value of your claim. If you would like to discuss your case with our lawyers, we would be happy to do so for free. Take the next step toward recovery, and contact Rasansky Law Firm at 1-877-659-1620.
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