Helping Other Drivers in Wrecks

Helping Other Drivers in Wrecks

Whether or not you choose to intervene in a car wreck that you come upon is up to you. Making that decision depends upon whether you have the training to deal with the situation and how much risk you're willing to take. There are certain things that you can do, however, to help other drivers that have been in a wreck that don't require you to have any specialized training and that only require you to exercise courtesy.

1: Be a Witness

If you come upon a car wreck and the drivers involved are having an argument or, especially if they seem to be on the edge of getting violent, stop a safe distance away and keep an eye on the scene. If you happen to see somebody flee the scene of an accident, you may want to consider how you would feel if somebody helped you out by giving you that person's license plate number so that they didn't end up having to foot the entire bill for their accident.

2: Slow Down, Don’t Rubberneck

If the people involved in the wreck have pulled over to the side of the freeway or roadway, slow down and give them plenty of room. Don't rubberneck the accident. This can actually create more accidents, as you're not paying attention to what's going on around you and you're not looking ahead of you where your eyes need to be when you're driving.

3: Watch for Emergency Vehicles

If the wreck is a particularly bad one, emergency vehicles may be on their way and they may be coming very fast. When you're within the immediate area of the accident, make certain that you keep an eye out for emergency vehicles.

Motor vehicle accidents hurt and kill thousands of people every year. If you lose somebody in an accident because of a negligent driver, contact a Dallas car accident attorney. This car accident lawyer may be able to help you if you have suffered physical injury, financial loss or other pain and suffering due to the accident. Negligent drivers are liable for the damages that they cause to drivers who follow the rules and who drive in a predictable and sensible fashion. There's no guarantee that any lawsuit you file will win, but you may end up getting substantial money from a jury award or a settlement if you go ahead and file a lawsuit.

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