Tips for Avoiding a Slip and Fall Accident

Tips for Avoiding a Slip and Fall Accident

A slip and fall accident can easily turn deadly, particularly for individuals who are already infirm. There are ways that you can avoid having one of these mishaps, though the venues where these accidents occur usually have some responsibility in preventing them. Here are some basic tips for keeping safe when you are out and about.

Retail Stores

Retail stores are some of the most dangerous places for slip and fall accidents. They tend to have very hard, tile floors and falling on one of these surfaces can cause serious injuries. If you have problems walking, the danger is even greater.

Watch out around the doorways in retail establishments. If you notice that the floor mats are bunched up, be very careful so that you do not end up tripping over them. You will also want to keep an eye out for wet floors, particularly at times of the year when people tend to be tracking in mud and water. There are plenty of people who injure themselves every year by taking a spill at a retail establishment.


Restaurants can be particularly dangerous for slip and fall injuries. Because restaurants obviously have plenty of liquids being transported back and forth across the floor, there is always the hazard of slipping on a spot of water or other liquid. Restaurants also have a lot of people coming in and out and, because of that, it’s difficult to control the condition of the floor at times. If you go to a restaurant, make certain that you watch out for trip hazards.


When you’re in an office, keep an eye out for cords crossing the floor. Computer cords, cords that go to space heaters and other appliances and other electrical cords can all be easily missed and pose genuine hazards to those who accidentally trip over them. If you are in an office that seems particularly disorganized, make sure you pay extra attention, as there may be hazards all over just waiting for someone to trip over them.

A Texas personal injury lawyer can help you if you have been injured in a slip and fall accident. You will have to get personal injury legal information from the attorney before they can tell you for sure whether or not you have cause to file a lawsuit. If a personal injury lawyer believes that you do have a case, they may want to represent you but, if they believe that they cannot help you, they will simply tell you as much.

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