For Your Safety, Avoid These Premises

For Your Safety, Avoid These Premises

In some cases, people who are injured on the premises of a commercial establishment may have done better to avoid going into that establishment in the first place. There are some business owners out there that do a very poor job of attending to the safety of their patrons. Here are some warning signs to watch out for when you walk into a store that you haven't been in before, particularly if you have trouble walking or keeping your balance.

Bunched Mats

During wet and snowy conditions, watch out for mats that are bunched up by the entryways. This is a good sign of two things: the mat is obviously one trip hazard and the floor nearby the bunched up the mat is probably wet. The last thing you want to do is take a tumble on the hard tile floor of a retail establishment. If they aren't attending to this most basic of safety precautions for their customers, they're probably not taking care of the more subtle dangers, either.

Wet Floors

It's usually pretty easy to spot a wet floor, but this is not always the case. If you're in an establishment and you notice broken bottles of product or other obvious signs that something has been spilled on the floor and not cleaned up, avoid the area. In some grocery stores and other establishments, very little attention is given to keeping the area safe for customers. These business owners may end up getting sued at some point but, in order for that to happen, somebody has to get injured and it's better if it isn't you.

Filing a Lawsuit

If you have been injured because a business owner did not take care of their premises adequately, you need to speak with a personal injury attorney. These attorneys can work with you to determine whether or not you have a case and whether or not the premises owner was likely negligent and how they took care of their establishment. When they caused you to come to harm, a personal injury lawyer can step in and make sure that you at least get to have your case heard in front of a jury, if it seems like a good one. If you don't have much of a case, they will simply let you know. If you do, however, you may stand to win the claim that is enough to pay for your medical expenses and your pain and suffering.

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