Three Ways to Stay Safe on Your Motorcycle

Three Ways to Stay Safe on Your Motorcycle

Being on the open road on a motorcycle is one of the most incredible feelings in the world. There's no reason that you should be afraid to do it, but you do have to give a little bit of extra consideration to the drivers around you. You face three primary threats you're on a motorcycle: people cannot see you very well; you don't have the same protection as the people driving in cars; and you're more susceptible to the effects of weather. There are three ways that you can help to reduce the significance of these three threats.

Be Seen

Some motorcycle drivers always wear high-visibility vests or jackets to make themselves stick out a little bit more. Traditionally, motorcycling gear is dark colored; usually black leather. The trade-off when choosing brighter colors is that you lose the protective qualities of leather. High-visibility clothing does have its advantages, but make sure that you leave your lights on and always assume that none of the other drivers on the road can see you at all. Drive accordingly and you'll be far less likely to get into certain types of accidents.

Know Your Limits

We've all had those moments when we got into a sort of impromptu competition with another driver, usually because of anger. If you do this on a motorcycle you will lose every single time. If someone is driving aggressively or trying to crowd you off the road, just get out of their way. Pull over if you have to. If they're being genuinely dangerous, get their plate number and call them in.

Know the Weather

If it's below freezing, there is the risk of black ice to deal with. If it's very hot out, you have to worry about sunburn and dehydration. Make sure that you accommodate the weather in your plans. It won't take any of the fun out of your riding and it'll make it much safer.

As a motorcyclist, you have the same rights to the road as everybody else. A car accident lawyer can help you if someone injures you out of negligence. If you've been injured by someone who didn't respect your rights, make sure that you contact a vehicle accident lawyer to determine what your likelihood of winning a lawsuit would be. It may be the best way to get yourself back on the road.

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