03 Aug Filing an Accident or Personal Injury Claim
In a contingency arrangement, the vehicle accident lawyer usually offers a free consultation. At this time, they’ll sit down with you and go over the details of your case. They’ll need to know as much as you can offer; be sure to bring all the relevant paperwork with you. The attorney will be able to tell you if your case has a good chance of winning. If it does, you’ll have to work with the attorney to come up with a concrete figure to seek for damages. This is a basic part of how this type of law works. Sometimes it’s hard to put a dollar value on some kinds of injuries, but this is where the attorney’s prior experience comes in.
Depending upon when you contact the car wreck attorney, you may or may not have dealt with your insurance company already. Preferably, you won’t have. Insurance companies, to put it bluntly, have a job to do. That job is making profit. This sometimes makes for an adversarial relationship between the insurance companies and their clients. Your attorney will be the one who deals with them. Part of an attorney’s services come in the form of a logical, informed advocate who can deal with the insurance companies for you.
Your car accident personal injury attorney may also need medical reports and other documentation. A surprising amount of what attorneys do is research. This is how they inform their arguments, to a large extent. As your case moves forward, you may or may not face a jury trial. If you do, your attorney will argue for you in court. You may, however, be offered a settlement. Sometimes, this is the best possible outcome, as it saves you the time and expense of going to court and finishes the whole affair quickly.
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