Factors to Consider in a Construction Accident

Factors to Consider in a Construction Accident

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, one out of every 10 constructions workers will be injured on the job every year. The organization also states that falling is the most common cause of injury. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2008, 969 fatal construction accidents occurred in the U.S.
There were many more incidents in which workers were critically injured but lived. This brings us to the question: what do you do when you experience a workplace injury or construction accident? What happens when you lose a family member in a fatal work injury? You can accept the company’s settlement (if they offer one at all) or you can pursue legal options.

There are many factors to consider, including whether or not the company had a workers’ compensation plan in place. Just because a company doesn’t subscribe to a protection plan does not absolve them of liability. If they offer workers’ compensation for your injury, you still may have additional claims if there was any negligence involved, e.g., occupational therapy.

Remember, when dealing with a workplace Injury or construction accident, negligence doesn’t have to be shown strictly by the construction company owner. Negligence can also involve property owners, contractors, subcontractors or even product manufacturers.

You have to ask yourself if the construction company followed all standard procedures set forth by OSHA. The more the company makes it difficult for you to collect compensation (such as retaliating against a compensation claim or discharging you entirely), the better your case will stand in court.

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