Does Nursing Home Abuse Really Happen?

Does Nursing Home Abuse Really Happen?

Sure, nursing home abuse is a problem but it could never happen to your family members, right? You might be surprised by some of the news stories coming out of our own United States of America. In Pittsburgh for example, during the month of October two women pleaded guilty to nursing home abuse, and admitted the crime of having harassed and assaulted a 94-year old Alzheimer’s patient in a nursing home. Both workers were banned from ever working in a nursing home again. While justice was served, it was hardly payback for the ultimate price: the abused patient lost her life.
Maybe those incidents of nursing home abuse didn’t literally cause the death of a sick patient, but it’s hard to imagine harassment and assault contributing to the life quality of an aging resident. We must remember that many nursing home patients are struggling with mental and physical illnesses. In order to keep living and minimize their pains, they must have a calm and comforting environment.

In order to take care of these individuals properly, the caretaker must have a great deal of love and patience. The nursing home owes it to you as a commercial business to deliver a high work ethic and ensure the patient is taken care of and respected. If the nursing home is understaffed, they cannot provide this high ethic. If the nursing home allows its workers to lose their temper or cause emotional or physical damage to an ailing patient with no consequence, then that high work ethic has been compromised. Nursing home staff members who are accused of abusing patients should consider hiring criminal solicitors to defend their rights. Learn more about assault and mutual combat Texas cases here.

Under no circumstances should you allow nursing home abuse to continue. If you have proof that your parent or another relative has been suffering at the hands of an abusive home, then contact the Rasansky Law Firm. You may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and relocation to a better home. Contact the Rasanky Law Firm at 1-800-ATTORNEY and take a stand against nursing home abuse!

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