Septic Shock Major Threat to Nursing Home Patients

Septic Shock Major Threat to Nursing Home Patients

Nursing home patients who are the victims of abuse or neglect are oftentimes at risk for conditions that result from improperly cared for wounds and poor hygiene. Among these conditions is septic shock. Septic shock, a condition arising from sepsis, can be fatal to people of an advanced age. In fact, infections can kill perfectly healthy younger people, so it's easy to see how this could be a threat to older individuals.

Watching for the Signs

Pressure sores, also called bedsores, can easily become infected if they are not treated properly. The sores can actually tunnel far into the body, eventually exposing the inner parts of the body to sources of infection. If you're elderly loved one is sent to the emergency room, make certain that you do inquire as to whether or not sepsis or septic shock was part of the reason why they were brought in.

Bedsores occur because people are not moved around enough when they are bedbound, a situation which is entirely preventable. When bedsores do happen, it's usually because the patient isn't being cared for properly, isn't being cleaned properly and isn't getting out of bed during the day to give their body a rest.

It isn't unheard of for older individuals to develop severe infections without any sort of abuse or neglect going on. In fact, if you are older, you are at more of a risk for just about every type of medical condition, including infections. When they are severe or when they keep happening, it may be a sign that there is some sort of genuine neglect going on.

If you believe that your loved one is not being properly cared for, you need to notify the authorities or speak with the administration. Be aware, however, that the problem actually may be emanating from the administration, so you may get little assistance if you speak to them directly about the issue.

If you need nursing home abuse legal help, make certain to speak with an attorney who has a solid track record of winning claims against nursing homes on behalf of patients and their families. If you do win your claim, you may receive enough in compensation to help you pay for the medical expenses involved in treating your loved one for the injuries they suffer due to neglect and to move them to a facility that takes their obligations to their patients a bit more seriously.


2525 McKinnon Street
Dallas, Texas 75201

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