Man Proclaimed Dead Now Recovering

Man Proclaimed Dead Now Recovering

Zach Dunlap appeared on the “Today” show today – just four months after doctors declared him brain dead and prepared to remove his organs for transplant. Though his brain scan showed no activity and no blood flow, 21-year-old Dunlap responded to the scrape of a pocketknife against his foot shortly after doctors declared him dead Nov. 19.

Dunlap had been injured in an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) accident (click reference for attorneys), and though he doesn’t remember the crash, remembers hearing the doctors’ proclamation at the united Regional Healthcare System in Wichita Falls, Texas. He returned home about seven weeks later and though he continues to suffer memory issues, he is on the road to recovery. Dunlap maintains a sense of humor with it all, as he was quoted as saying, “Only the good die young, so I didn’t go.”

Luckily the doctors had not completely given up. It is frightening to know, though, that the latest medical technology was not able to show that Dunlap was still alive. If you or someone you know has sustained personal injuries by ATV accident, medical malpractice, or other situations, contact a personal injury attorney to discuss your legal options.

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